محمد محمود الزناتي
Instructor Bio
University of Edinburgh Business School Logo Marketing: Tools to Set Enterprises Apart from University of Edinburgh Business School.
Training Needs Assessment from American Chamber of Commerce in Egypt “AmCham Egypt”.
Content Creation from HubSpot Academy.
IAB Digital Marketing Foundations Certification from DM Arts Academy.
Marketing Analytics/ Digital Marketing from Udacity.
Google Ads Certificate from Google.
Training Needs Assessment from American Chamber of Commerce in Egypt “AmCham Egypt”.
Content Creation from HubSpot Academy.
IAB Digital Marketing Foundations Certification from DM Arts Academy.
Marketing Analytics/ Digital Marketing from Udacity.
Google Ads Certificate from Google.
كورسات اوفلاين
Introduction With over 3 billion internet users, digital marketing has made it possible to reach a wide range of people through various online tool...