محمد حواش
Instructor Bio
Certified Professional Trainer from TRACCERT CANADA (QPT program) with Code Verification (TC245219) that has standards are based on international best practices and are very close to contents of the ISO 29990 and the EFQ quality model.
HR Full Diploma (HRCI) (المعهد الامريكي لادارة الموارد البشرية)
Certified Human Resources Trainer
Helping HR trainees to get the accreditation and the qualification skills and knowledge to upgrade their HR career.
HR Full Diploma (HRCI) (المعهد الامريكي لادارة الموارد البشرية)
Certified Human Resources Trainer
Helping HR trainees to get the accreditation and the qualification skills and knowledge to upgrade their HR career.
كورسات اوفلاين
Introduction The company can’t be good without its employees, making HR a crucial part improves how healthy his company is. HR manages people in th...